Independence day calendar

Here’s a little Christmas treat for anyone into geography trivia: a calendar of inde­pen­dence anni­ver­sa­ries from around the world. Help your­self to a copy and impress your friends with the useless­ness of things you remember with seemingly no effort.

I copied all the dates and desc­rip­tions from the List of national inde­pen­dence days on Wiki­pedia and simply refor­matted the data into an iCalendar file. If you spot errors or omis­sions, please cont­ri­bute to the original article: I have it on my watch­list.

You can leech on the file I’ve uploaded, but note that it’s slow, read-only, and will one day go offline without a warning. The other option is to down­load the .ics, import it to your calendar app of choice and edit it as you wish. I make no copy­right claims.

A Finnish version without the expla­na­tory desc­rip­tion texts is also avai­lable.

Femoroacetabular impingement

An x-ray of my pelvic area, with signs of femo­roace­ta­bular impin­ge­ment (FAI) in both hip joints. The extra bone growth, worse in the left (circled), causes fric­tion and tear to the carti­lage surroun­ding the rim of the socket, which is basically why I’m in need of Sock-eez™ at thirty.

Factors leading to this condi­tion include “deve­lop­mental hip abnor­ma­lity together with […] acti­vi­ties invol­ving recur­rent motion of the legs within a suprap­hy­sio­logic range” [w]. (Now why does that ring a bell?) Right now, my hopes of ever retur­ning to courts are slim, but I’m still waiting to consult an ortho­pedic surgeon, hope­fully within a couple of weeks.